Bike trouble
This blog certainly jumps round from serious topics to mundane ones. I was shocked this week-end to realize that the seat on my bike was missing.
Since bikes have gotten excluded from a safe place inside the building (don't get me started on that topic), my bike has been parked outside on the street. There it sits with about 20 other bikes in special racks, in all kinds of weather and completely exposed to thieves. Over a year ago, Emmanuel's brand new bike was there for about two days before it was stolen. We replaced it and now park his bike in our cellar, an unpractical solution down a flight of narrow and steep stairs. It is safe there, but doesn't get used very much as a result. My bike is just too big to carry down to the cellar. So it sleeps in the street where everybody who needs a seat can just help himself. I have a new seat tonight and, while I was at it, I even had my brake pads replaced, something I had been neglecting for too long. So thanks to whomever stole my seat for getting me into the bike shop and encouraging me to take care of my safety.
le 21.01.09 à 21:50
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