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Les Kelloucq en voyage

Due for some R&R

It has been a bit of a marathon work week finishing a big project which was due today. When I hit the "send" button at 6:30 a.m., I was both very happy and a bit deflated. I guess I don't need to set my alarm at 3:00, 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning. After working on two back-to-back projects requiring lots of calls to Europe, it has become my normal routine. I get up when the house is quiet and everything is dark. I sit down in front of my computer and discover the day's crop of emails before starting on my calls.
Anyways, getting more sleep will be nice.


Yesterday was our 14th anniversary. We dragged the boys back to the oak grove where we got married on the Berkeley campus and brought along some pastries from La Farine, the bakery which had made our wedding cake way back when. The boys were happy to run around and climb trees with the squirrels. Will ever they attend Berkeley? It sounds so far away, but Emmanuel is already half way to college…Afterwards, we got to watch the band practice for a little while and drove back over the hills. I know it is not cool to enjoy a drive anymore and I feel appropriately guilty. But I do love that drive into the Berkeley hills with a great view of the Bay Area and the sun setting over the Golden Gate Bridge making everything look rosy.


Now it is time to leave my guys and head out of town for an all-girl week-end. Book, checked! Bottle of wine and cheese, checked! No “brush your teeth and get ready”, no constant chattering about Pokemons, no breaking up of fights over silly stuff. That should be a nice break. The only unknown is that the place where we are staying had a visit from a bear last week and we are exactly sure what it is going to be like inside.

kelloucq le 23.10.09 à 23:07 dans Actualités - Version imprimable
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