Quick hop to England

I went to Bristol for an overnight visit this week (specifically to visit Hewlett-Packard’s Labs there). Frankly, the Brits are a mystery to me. Nothing about that country is familiar. The way people talk, the street signs, the TV programs, everything is out of my frame of reference. I even have to admit that I had no idea where Bristol was. Shame on me! Workwise, the visit was fine and I now have to write several articles based on what I saw. It was interesting to see what was on the mind of the British, at least on the front pages of their papers. A proposed tax on polluting cars was an item of discussion as were teenagers carrying knives and what to do about them, the Obama victory in the primaries and the desire of Manchester City to attract some hot Brazilian player whose name escapes me. I was quite surprised by the presence of CCTV (close-circuit TV) everywhere. Set up in areas that attract crime, they don’t seem to bother most people.
We were treated to a visit and dinner on the ss Great Britain which was the biggest iron ship at the time of its launch in 1843. The city is quite proud of its groundbreaking ship which came back to port in the 1970s after a long career and was transformed into a museum. HP was not so subtly trying to reinforce its image as an innovative company in the process.
We were treated to a visit and dinner on the ss Great Britain which was the biggest iron ship at the time of its launch in 1843. The city is quite proud of its groundbreaking ship which came back to port in the 1970s after a long career and was transformed into a museum. HP was not so subtly trying to reinforce its image as an innovative company in the process.
le 07.06.08 à 11:30
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