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Les Kelloucq en voyage

School ends today

Today is the last day of school. The last few days have been a blur of school events, including the “kermesse”, the school fair, and various demonstrations or award ceremonies for after-school activities. We probably entered the school grounds more often in the last two weeks than in the rest of the year (and certainly sipped more glasses of wine there than we normally do!).


Today feels like a significant ending. Not only because we are leaving Paris for a while. Emmanuel is graduating from primary school and he is officially admitted into the first year of “college”, our version of junior high school, even though he will not be going of course. He had a great year with a wonderful, enthusiastic teacher and he steadly improved and matured during the past year, finishing his run at Jussienne with excellent grades. Gabriel’s teacher is retiring, another ending though it is more significant for her. Still it is an interesting feeling, at least for us as parents, to “retire” a teacher.


We are ready for a summer of activities, time in my hometown, a week in a horse-drawn carriage (roulotte), a quick visit to Germany and some packing and last-minute home improvement projects before we take off for California in mid-August.

kelloucq le 02.07.09 à 10:39 dans Actualités - Version imprimable
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