Social Sunday
Yesterday was Father’s Day in France and in the US. EJ got treated to an American breakfast in Paris complete with eggs, bacon, hash browns and a fruit salad which Emmanuel and I put together while Gabriel and EJ slept in. It was nice to work with Emmanuel who is very handy around the kitchen and who was doing his homework in between grating potatoes and squeezing fresh orange juice.
The next stage was a neighborhood picnic on rue Montmartre, the street linking our street and the school. Tables and chairs were set in the street with two bands alternatively playing for us. There were a number of known faces and children running around. Since we had just had a late breakfast, we mostly had a glass of wine and chatted while the sun played hide and seek.
The pièce de résistance was Stephanie’s going away party. If you have not done so already, you need to check out her blog about leaving France and relocating to the US, la mort dans l’âme as the last days are ticking by. Her friends A and P were hosting a party for Stephanie to say good-bye to many of her Parisian friends in one single afternoon. Despite her own predictions, Stephanie did not turn into a weeping mess. At least, she had not by the time we left the party late in the afternoon. Stephanie, were you able to keep it together until the end? We feel fortunate because we will be hosting Stephanie during her very last days in Paris! Maybe we should make her life miserable so that her sadness about leaving actually turns into relief….
le 16.06.08 à 10:00
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I was crying on the inside! Actually, I was pretty pleased with how well I held together--a testament to how fun it was to see you all, I guess. I only welled up at the very end, as I was leaving and saying good-bye to A and Baby J, and he raised his chubby little fist to wave bye-bye to me. A was excited because it was J's very first wave, and somehow, that made it seem like he wanted to make the occasion even more special for me!
Stephanie - 16.06.08 à 09:15 - # - Répondre -
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Who can resist a little baby being so cute? That was not fair. Overall, we will consider that you did well for your good-bye party!
kelloucq - 16.06.08 à 09:32 - # - Répondre -