Switching to Firefox

I just installed Firefox, Mozilla's open source web browser. I had made a half-hearted attempt about a year ago and then returned to my old, (un)comfortable Internet Explorer after my laptop's hard disk got totally wiped out for a factory return. I had been meaning to reinstall Firefox and never did until today. It took Mozilla's top guy in Europe to evangelize me. After an interview with Tristan Nitot today, I just could not dilly dally any longer. Someone who is willing to venture so much on a seemingly far-fetched idea has to be on to something.
It is like with my old pairs of shoes, I get stupidly attached. Even as they fall apart, I can't abandon them. But I might finally have thrown away my old pair of shoes here. Out with the old and in with the new.
le 02.10.08 à 23:09
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