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Les Kelloucq en voyage

My “colleague”

For the past 12 years, I have not had any colleagues. There are other freelancers I enjoy seeing once in a while and I like working with most of my editors. But I don’t have colleagues per se, the people you see every day and chat with in the morning and go to lunch with. I really don’t miss that social aspect of work. On the contrary from what I see when I visit newsrooms, I am rather relieved to be free of that part. I like working at home in peace and more efficiently. I get all the professional social interaction I need at conferences and even on the phone. Call me antisocial, if you will.


However, for the past few months, I have been collaborating with another freelancer on a web site which we both feed with news items on a daily basis and longer articles on a weekly basis. In 10 months, we have met 3 or 4 times face to face. But we regularly check in by email and banter around, the equivalent of the water cooler chat. It is actually pleasant.

kelloucq le 04.12.08 à 21:50 dans Actualités - Version imprimable
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