This has been a good week with the first good news in a long time about our kitchen remodel. A general building meeting turned out better than expected. Let’s just say that, after brandishing a big stick at us, the building board turned conciliatory and things will be moving again soon, even though they got us to pay for more of the beam repair than we should be. After what they were threatening to do to us, we actually end up feeling good about this resolution. They are tough cookies.
Right after this, my friend Lora came into town. The conditions were such that I got to spend quite a bit of time walking all around town and having nice leisurely lunches with her while meeting EJ and the boys for dinner. A perfect combination, in my book. The picture is from our foray on Montmartre, place du Tertre, admittedly a touristy place. But seeing it with Lora, a pastel artist herself, changed everything. Lora, even though I have found myself other roommates since our times together in Seattle, you are welcome whenever you want. It was a pleasure having you here and hanging out.