D'autres impressions/More impressions
Vendredi, mix de travail et de plaisir. Je devais visiter un incubator du cote de Wall Street. Malheureusement peu de compagnies ont accepte de me parler et les bureaux etaient de toute facon presque deserts (surement a cause de la fete de Rosh Hashanah, m'a explique le responsable, lui-meme peu causant). Bon, ce fut plutot un echec qui a contraste avec l'atmosphere effervescente de la soiree NextNY. Plus tard, j'ai retrouve Kristi pour aller voir Spring Awakening.
L'histoire d'ecoliers et d'ecolieres qui decouvrent leur sexualite dans l'Allemagne corsetee du 19s peut sembler un peu exotique pour un public moderne, mais les morceaux rock qu'ils entonnent pour exprimer leur frustration fonctionnent bien. Je suppose que j'ai quand meme ete un peu decue, surement parce que les attentes sont elevees pour un spectacle qui a collecte autant de recompenses (Tony awards). Mais plus j'y repense, plus j'aime...
Samedi, j'ai marche longuement dans Central Park et Manhattan avec un arret de plusieurs heures au MOMA ou j'ai particulierement apprecie les sculptures de Richard Serra et les photos de JoAnn Verburg. Je me suis aussi prelassee a Bryant Park ou venait de se tenir les defiles de la Fashion Week, mais qui etait deja rendu au calme des lecteurs et des buveurs de cafe. Puis direction Brooklyn pour un dinner chez Ian, le fils de George et Mari. Elle s'etait surpassee avec un excellent dinner mexicain. C'etait amusant de passer la soiree avec une bande de jeunes gens, pas encore trentenaires jusqu'au moment ou il fut clairement temps de les laisser continuer leur nuit et de se retirer comme des petits vieux raisonnables.
Friday was a mixture of fun and work. We started the day lunching in a great little cafe with good people-watching opportunities (boys, I spilled some of "Mommy's worst ennemy" on my shirt and had to go buy a new top before proceeding to an afternoon work meeting. I also dropped by a great children's library...). I visited an incubator in the Wall Street area, but sadly enough hardly anybody wanted to talk to me and the place was pretty deserted anyway (most likely because of Rosh Hashanah, the head honcho explained, he himself not the most talkative guy). Whatever. It was a bit of a dud and such a contrast with the bubbling atmosphere at the NextNY event. Then in the evening, I met up with Kristi and we went to see Spring Awakening. The tale about schoolboys and girls discovering their exploding sexuality in 19th century repressed Germany would seem oddly irrelevant to a modern audience and yet the raging rock songs they burst into do work. Because the show won so many Tony awards, I guess we felt a bit underwhelmed, but it is growing on me with time.
Saturday was devoted to a long walk through Central Park and Manhattan with several hours at MOMA where I was most impressed with Richard Serra's sculptures and JoAnn Verburg's photographs. I also hung out in Bryant Park, the site for the past few days of New York's Fashion Week, now returned to leisurely readers and coffee drinkers. Then it was on to diner at Ian's, George and Mari's son, in Brooklyn. Mari outdid herself with the Mexican dinner. It was fun to hang out with a bunch of twenty-somethings until it was time for us old farts to retire to bed.
le 16.09.07 à 19:31
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