Sunday delivery of poetry, philosophy, science and more
For several years every Sunday morning, I have experienced a giddy moment and small tightening of the heart while opening the weekly delivery of what used to be called Brain Pickings and has transformed into The Marginalian.
Whethever it is Bruce Springsteen describing how he survived depression, Nick Cave on living with loss and the central paradox of grief as a portal to aliveness or more frequently classical authors like Mary Shelley, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dicknison, Hannah Arendt or David Thoreau, Maria Popova, the author of The Marginalian, delivers a thought-provoking read on topics that might, on the face of it, sound bleak and depressing, but enriching and uplifting. Reads I often feel moved to share.
The Bulgarian-born, Brooklyn-based author describes the Sundy digest of The Marginalian as "the most mind-broadening and heart-lifting reflections spanning art, science, poetry, philosophy, and other tendrils of our search for truth, beauty, meaning, and creative vitality."
She has been at it since 2006 when she began circulating a small newsletter to bring her colleagues in an advertising firm stimulating thoughts to feed their "intellectual hunger for that sort of cross-disciplinary curiosity". It grew from there.
For more info on the hyperactive Maria Popova, visit the ubiquitous Wikipedia. I just did out of curiosity while writing this post. But for years, I let her take me on her wild literary journeys without knowing much about her and that was just fine too.
le 21.08.22 à 10:05
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