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Les Kelloucq en voyage

Thank God it’s Monday

Forget about TGIF. After a series of exhausting week-ends, I am happy when Monday morning rolls around and I can relax a little bit. These days, my work day starts at 5 a.m. in order to get a bit of business done with France before the family wake-up time at 7 a.m. After the boys are in school before 8 a.m., I have about 6 hours of working time ahead of me. And yet, it is positively relaxing after a week-end of running around.  Don’t get me wrong. We are having lots of fun. But is it too much fun? From our previous year in California as a family, I would say that we tend to over-extend ourselves a little bit. Week-ends seem more crammed here than in Paris.


This past week-end was a particularly crazy one with two soccer games, a soccer photo session, a Cub Scouts outing for Gab, his birthday sleepover with a handful of friends and a Sunday wedding where EJ was the chef and I was just a guest. I loved every part of those two days, but there was never any down time. The schedule involved a lot of driving around and being constantly social and chatty. While I am usually very social and happy to meet new people and hang out with old friends, I also need some quiet time. I need silence, I need time alone without interruptions.


As a matter of fact, I don’t know how I would do in an office environment such as a noisy newsroom. There are freelance reporters who miss that interaction and do not do well alone in their home offices. I am not one of them. This quiet home office environment, which is obviously mixed with phone interviews, meetings and conferences, suits me just fine.


My wonderful husband brought me the Sunday edition of the New York Times yesterday, something he knows I would love. Now I just have to carve out little niches of quiet time to read it, all week long. Heaven…

kelloucq le 28.09.09 à 21:37 dans Actualités - Version imprimable
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