Gabriel aux fourneaux et à la photo/Gab bakes and shoots
Gabriel avait invité son copain Tristan à coucher ce soir. Il m'a aidé à préparer le dîner dont notre fameux gâteau "Thé Brun". Notre séance en cuisine est immortalisée en photo. En fond sonore, nous avions du Counting Crows, Peter Gabriel et The Doors car Gab voulait écouter du "rock'n roll." En prime aujourd'hui, les retrouvailles avec son ami Vincent à qui nous avions rendu visite au Mexique. Quel bonheur de revoir toute sa famille.
Gabriel had invited his friend Tristan for a sleepover tonight. He helped me cook dinner including our famous "Thé Brun" cake. He managed to snap this photo of our session in the kitchen. In the background, we had some Counting Crows, Peter Gabriel and The Doors because Gabriel had insisted he wanted to listen to some "rock'n roll." The other great moment today was being reunited with his friend Vincent who shares the year between Paris and San Cristobal de las Casas in Mexico where we had visited him in 2006. We are happy to have the whole family back in Paris.
le 29.02.08 à 00:16
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